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Title:   Peelable Adhesive Composition Compass Midpoint Ruler

 Technical Field

This invention relates to a technical drawing tools that have 3 main functions : a ruler, a drawing compass and a midpoint locator.

 Background Art

Technical drawing requires many skills, which include drawing a circle or an arc, measuring a distance and locating middle point of a straight line. To do this, many instruments can be used. Since accuracy is vital in technical drawing, many of these instruments are made in such a way that their price is unaffordable or rather expensive to many users. Besides this, some instruments are not safe for children. This is due to their sharp pointy component that may harm the children. Some of the instruments also require the users to do many steps in technical drawing.

 Disclosure Of Invention

The invention is an alternative to a compass and a ruler in drawing a fixed radius arc or a fixed radius circle. Besides its function as a ruler, it can also be used to locate middle point of a straight line drawing.

To find a midpoint of a straight line, adjust the orientation of the midpoint ruler along the straight line until left side and right side of the straight line are equal in distance. The midpoint of the straight line is located at the centre of the markings with label zero.

To find a centre of a circle, two point holes with same distance from the centre of the middle point locator are placed along the circumference of the circle. The first point hole act as the first point of a chord of the circle. The other end point of the chord is located by rotating the Radius Arm until its point hole with the same distance from the centre of the middle point locator on top of  the other end of the chord.

To draw a circle using the invention, one fixes the securing cylinder part of the instrument at the centre temporarily that serve as a pivot point around which the rectangular part of the instrument can be rotated while the marking instrument or a pencil outlines a circle around the pivot through the radius hole.

Advantages of the invention may be describe as easy, fast and cheap alternative of a safe compass and a ruler all together. It is made of plastic, which is cheaper than metal. It takes less steps in drawing an arc or a circle, compared to any non-digital compass known. It also takes less steps in locating midpoint or circle center point.

Brief Description of Drawings

FIG. 1 is a top plan view of the invention Type A

FIG. 2 is a side elevation view of the invention Type A

FIG. 3 is a top plan view of the invention Type B

FIG. 4 is a side elevation view of the invention Type B

FIG. 5 illustrates the invention being used one-handed to draw a circle.

FIG. 6 is a cross section view of the invention Type A

FIG. 7 is a cross section view of the invention Type B

FIG. 8 is a perspective view of the invention Type A

FIG. 9 is top plan and side view of the slide marker

 Description of Drawings and Best Mode for Carrying Out The Invention

In order that the invention may be more readily understood and put into practical effect, a preferred example of the invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1 illustrates a preferred example of invention Type A constructed in accordance with the invention;

Referring to FIG.1 it can be seen that the invention consist of 2 main parts ,which are the securing cylinder part (3) and the rotatable rectangular part (1). Both parts made of clear plastic. The cylinder part (3)  is installed into the rectangular part (1), inset on one edge of it, spinning and revolves easily within a groove. The cylinder part consist of a hole (2) at its centre that act as the centre of a circle. The cylinder part (3) also consist of a circle pocket under it to place a peelable adhesive composition around the hole (2). The adhesive composition is for releasably attaching the cylinder part (3) to a drawing surface and act as pivot point of the rotatable rectangular part (1).

As shown, the rectangular part (1) consist of  4 rows of 75 holes, at distance of increment radius 0.5mm from the said centre point starting from radius 10mm up to radius 160mm. The holes (4) are sized to fit the point of a marking instrument or pencil. The holes (4) spaced according to increment radius 0.5mm from circle centre at the cylinder part (3). The holes (4)  is marked with curve lines (5) in two colour red and black. The black curve lines denote 1.0mm mark and the red lines denote 0.5mm mark. These marks allow users to choose fixed radii with increment of 0.5mm to create circles from 10mm radius to 160mm radius on 0.5mm radius increments.

As further shown, the rectangular part (1) consist of slide rail (7) allows slide marker (6) to move along the rail (7). To mark a desired radius, simply move the slide marker (6) to a curve line that shows the location of the desired radius.

The rectangular part (1) also consist of set of markings centred on a value of zero (10) and extend in positive labels on right side of the zero label and negative labels on left side of the the zero label. Each longest lines on the markings end with a hole (9). The holes are sized to fit the point of a marking instrument or pencil.

FIG. 3 illustrates another example of invention Type B constructed in accordance with the invention;

Referring to FIG.3 it can be seen another design according to the invention as in FIG. 1, for drawing circle with increment of 1.0mm radius. The rectangular part (15) consist of  2 rows of 75 holes, at distance of increment radius 1.0mm from the circle centre (16) starting from radius 10mm up to radius 160mm.

Fig. 5 illustrates one example use of the invention.

Referring to Fig. 5, the invention has been attached to a drawing surface such as a plain paper. In preparation to draw a circle or an arc with the invention, the user first put the circle centre fixed temporary with the the hole at the centre of the securing cylinder part that serve as pivot point around which the rectangular part can be rotated while the pencil outlines a circle around the pivot through the selected radius hole. The user only need to use one hand to move the pencil.


1. A technical drawing tool that has 3 main functions : a ruler, a drawing compass and a middle point locator comprising:

instruments  having a pivot point using a peelable adhesive composition as temporary hinge  and a rectangular part of the instruments having  4 rows of 75 holes for design type A (0.5mm) and 2 rows of 75 holes for design type B (1.0mm);

upper straight edge side of the instruments having metric scales marked in curves with increment 0.5 mm radius for design type A and increment  1mm radius for design type B starting from 10mm distance from pivot point for each design, up to 160mm or 300mm from its pivot point;

lower straight edge side of the instruments having metric scales with middle as its centre. The right side marked with positive increment of  1.0mm and the left side marked with negative increment of 1.0mm.


Title:   Peelable Adhesive Composition Compass Midpoint Ruler

A technical drawing device to draw circles from 10mm radius to 160mm radius on 0.5mm or 1.0mm radius increments one-handedly with a marking instrument or a pencil, a ruler and a midpoint locator. The device includes a securing cylinder part and a rotatable rectangular part. The securing cylinder part having a pivot point using a peelable adhesive composition as temporary hinge.  The rectangular part of the instrument having 4 rows (Type A) or 2 rows (Type B) of 75 holes at distances of 10mm to 160mm from the pivot point.

To draw a circle with fixed radius by using the invention, the circle centre is fixed temporary at the zero reading of the radius scale that serve as pivot point around which the rectangular part can be rotated while the pencil or pen outlines a circle around the pivot through the radius hole.

It can be used to locate midpoint of a straight line drawing. To find the midpoint of a straight line, adjust the orientation of the midpoint ruler along the straight line until left side and right side of the straight line are equal in distance. The midpoint of the straight line is located at the centre of the markings with label zero.

It can also be used to find a centre of a circle, two point holes with same distance from the centre of the middle point locator are placed along the circumference of the circle. The first point hole act as the first point of a chord of the circle. The other end point of the chord is located by rotating the rectangular part until its point hole with the same distance from the centre of the middle point locator on top of  the other end of the chord.




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